So...I jumped on the band wagon and joined my first flickr group this past week, the "Framer's Wife Quilt Along". I must say when the book came in the mail I felt a bit anxious about my ability to make these blocks. It looked like a lot of tricky sewing, and I have been a bit scared about trying anything this involved, but I have to say that it's been a blast! I can really see the progress from block to block as I have become more comfortable with the templates. So, one of my many flaws is, when I decide to do something I go all out and within the first week I had made about 6 blocks! It is also the only thing I am really thinking about!! I have decided to calm it down a bit now that I am caught up to the rest off the group.
So here they are starting at "week one", blocks #6 and #66.

"week two", blocks #83 and #105

"week three", blocks #39 and #85

"week four", blocks #60 and #103

"week five", blocks #20 and #86

"week six", blocks #17 and #107

"week seven", blocks #56 and #69

and at last "week eight", blocks #82 and #101

Pheww, well that's all of em' so far, I love how they are all so different, but they really work together. I am just working through my stash of fabrics, some that I have had sitting around for a few years, and some bits that I cant part with because there might be just enough to do something with.
I hope this post finds everyone well, enjoy the rest of the week, keep cool! Please leave any comments you may have, I am always happy to get them!! Also, check out all the other blocks being made over here.
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