Yesterday was beautiful! The sun was out, there was a chill in the air, and my boyfriend and I went to the zoo! We both had a day off and felt like spending it outside. During the fall and winter months we have found that the zoo is quite, you have time to yourself watching the animals do what they do. With some of them the cool weather makes them more active. The otters are my favourite, and to my excitement they have a new one at the zoo, yippeee! James likes to watch the polar bears and during the cool months they are really active and playful. Here are some of the pictures from our lovely day.
We started in the new polar bear domain, they have really done a great job fixing it up and adding more animals and bigger habitats for them.
Then off we went to the otters where we found this great flower, I am pretty sure I could hear the tiny voices of "Whoville". (I am not really hearing tiny voices, but this flower did remind me of one of my favourite Dr. Seuss stories)
Also, the gorilla's were full of vim, and they seemed to really like fewer people. The little baby gorilla that was born there was perfect, so little and tiny and curious.
That was my pretty awesome day and after 4 hours of walking we still didn't get to see all the beasties in the zoo. The Toronto Zoo does so much great work, the re-population of the black footed feret's to name one. So, if you are at a loss for things to do this winter try out going to the zoo it is really great with snow on the ground too.
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