Here we are and nearly April, with easter just around the corner. I had a busy week full of life's big, little, confusing, things, with a little anticipation and worry thrown in. I did finish another quilt! Using my $2.95 a yard Ikea bird fabric, I tried out an old quilt block style called a "snowball". It went together pretty quickly (which having a self diagnosed case of mild ADD) it worked out rather well. After I finished the inside of the topper I decided it needed a bit of something so I added the bright inner border, a vibrant Kona solid, and the larger printed outer border, that has lovely flecks of gold throughout.

I hate the binding stage, I did have a helper though, he is not a very fast sewer but he sure is cute! It does not fail that every time I am binding or laying out a quilt to baste, that I always have the cat and my 80 pound lab Fergus, as my trusty sidekicks, I keep trying to teach them how to baste! No such luck yet.
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