So as usual it has been a really long time since my last post, I think that is just the way I do things, or I am just lazy! I have been up to a lot of things since the start of the new year. One of these things is taking Fergus to his weekly swim time.
My poor old dog, he will be 13 this year, has trouble walking around the block now. He really was getting depressed, lots of big sighs could be heard throughout the house. The sad part was that because of the arthritis in his front leg, walking on the concrete was just not possible. We found that when we would go to PEI in the summers he could swim for hours with very little limping and that he was just that much more happy. Luckily our vet told us about this swimming pool for dogs called "Fit Dogs" here in Toronto, so we gave it a shot. My old guys gets so excited now he is up and in the pool before we have a chance to throw the tennis ball. He is so happy and having dreams where his legs twitch like he is swimming.
It makes me so happy to see him swim in this indoor pool, it really is ridiculous!! So to try out my new toy with it's "super8" app here is my boy having a swim. Oh and the pool is heated and salt water, and way more clean than a lot of hotel pools we have been in.
Hope you enjoy this video as much as I do!