Wow, I really can not believe the start of a new year is on our doorstep. So many good things this year to think about, and even more things to reflect upon and learn from. I am probably going to enter 2012 with many projects started with only a handful finished, and I am pretty okay with that. My fabric collection has grown, more than a little bit, and I have adopted some new things to obsess about. So I leave 2011 with this final blog post, and wish everyone a very Happy New Year, cheers to the past twelve months and welcome to the next twelve.
Just a few of my favourite images from 2011.

I tried out making a few mini quilts toward the end of the year, and loved it! Just used all sorts of scraps and went with it, no plan, just a bit of an idea, lots of fun.

Nuit Blanche, Canada Day and Christmas cookies....

The island, my island if you will allow me to say that. Part of me did stay there this year and I am counting the days until we pack of the car for next years drive home. With it's sandy beaches, where there is always something to discover or collect. Tasty carrots and the most amazing colours at sunset.

Goodnight, take care.