I am also trying to learn new things about the blogging thing and posting to flickr. Man I find it kinda tricky, I have a whole new respect for those bloggers that post all the time and have funky stuff happening on there pages. Phew, just when I think I have it figured out something goes screwy.
Week #11, blocks #26 & #54

Week #12, blocks #1 & #30

Week #13, blocks #23 & #98

As always I would really love any comments you may have. I am finding it tricky these days to pull fabric, can you believe it. It is part sickness that I hate to cut into the big pieces in my stash, but I keep saying to myself, that's what it's there for, to get used!!! I talk to myself on a regular basis it seems, I just hope I am not doing it in public! How do you pick your fabrics? Any tips would be great...Also, check out the flickr group, there are lots of great things happening there.
Enjoy the the last days of summer...isn't the blustery day just lovely? If I close my eyes really tight I can almost believe I am standing in the red dirt fields just outside the farm, munching on a freshly pulled carrot. Dirt and all.