- this blog thing is supposed to be fun, and is not supposed to make me feel sad. So that means NO more pressure to do posts on a frequent/regular basis. To make them when I want and fill them with happy wandering thoughts.
- there is not enough crafting happening right now. This is because our small basement spruce up has become this giant purple, yes purple monster that keeps growing eyes and limbs, and has a hunger for paint samples. Oh what to do. I have been muttering, "we're almost there" for the last few months...but we ARE almost there. So that is the reason for the lack of craftyness and fabric buying, both make my heart sad. So in an effort to get crafty I pulled out my felt, embroidery floss, and fabric scraps and came up with some lovely pins.
- I really want to take a class at "The Workroom" but find it a hard place to get to on a regular basis, and I am somewhat shy about new things so opt not to try them...this makes me sad.
-I am trying the 365 day photo challenge that lots of people seem to be trying, phew, it's hard, but with the days growing longer and the air slightly warmer (some days) this self imposed challenge might get easier.
-a few other ideas have been rattling around in my head, but putting them in one of the many notebooks I have kicking around seems like more fun than posting them here.
Today was such a lovely invigorating day, the perfect mix of cloudy and sunny skies, with a little nip in the air, but also the promise of warmer times. So invigorating that upon arriving at home a set to baking a couple of batches of peanut butter cookies for the men in my life. James, Dad and Grampa, all love peanut butter cookies, especially Nanny's recipe. Here's the recipe, super easy and only a bowl, mixer, and fork needed to make them. EASY.
Peanut Butter Cookies

1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp water
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
Heat oven to 350F. Mix everything together until soft dought forms. Shape dought into small balls, about 1" each. Place 2" apart on a cookie sheet, flatten witha a fork. Bake until edges begin to brown, about 10-15 minutes. Cool for a few minutes before removing from cookie sheet.
Since James loves peanut butter and chocolate together I tried making some mini PB cookies that I might sandwich nutella in-between!! Hmmm, sounds icky to me but I am sure he will give them a try.