I have been away from my blog for so long, time really is so fleeting. It was partially because I was in such a funk...so bad that even a good walk with James and Fergus, and a cuddle with Ollie didn't help. There is something in the air that's for sure. However, there were a lot of good things in the past month that I would like to share as well.
There are two things that really jump out. Firstly, my sisters 16th birthday! Oh my, I cant believe that she is that old already we always joked that someday she would be 16 and I would be 32! I am not quite 32 yet but it will happen this year! Mind you I still feel like a 16 year old myself. A 16 year old with a mortgage and bills, but a kid none the less.
But I digress, I received a giant order of Echino fabric in the mail from Superbuzzy, thanks to our dollar being so good I got dinged for the duty and it sat in a customs warehouse for a few days longer than expected. It arrived very behind schedule giving me only 2 weeks to get her quilt done!

So a stack of echino fabrics, bright kona solids, and a quilt plan = happy and only 12 days left! The plan, simple big blocks, 11" squared to really show off the great colourful prints and minimize how much fabric is wasted. Then to add interest, window blocks scattered randomly throughout the quilt. I needed a total of 22 window blocks and thanks to James the math for the wonky and centered ones was very easy...law of smidges be gone, haha! I also made one of Zoe's pictures into an embroidery, her signature image, a robot, I totally love those iron on pencil thingies, to cool, and so smart.

So a few days later the window blocks were done and it was time to lay it out on the quilt wall. The layout went very fast and so did sewing the rows together. Then it was back to "The Workroom" for the back material and batting. With help from my special consultant, James :), we decided on Anna Maria Horners flannels. So soft and cozy, two different prints were picked out, just too many options! Then it was home to vacuum, mop and lay it out. T-minus 5 days and counting! I got it all basted and quilted, just a simple in the ditch straight line down all the rows and around all 22 window frames, both lines. That took about a day and a bit leaving me with only a day and a half to bind it. My Mum was kind enough to help with the finishing up of the hand sewing of the bias tape, I really hate that part so it worked out well. So here it is...she loved it!

So there it is, all done and sadly I did have to part with it, that is always the hardest part for me, selfish I guess! I have some scraps left and I will make my own echino quilt for sure, maybe the same or at least slightly different.
So as not to make this a marathon post, probably already to late....I will simply try to post again tomorrow, with my other highlight's of April. Right now the sweet smell of rain is calling me to go sit out on the porch in the dark with a cup of tea, or maybe even some mint chocolate chip ice cream...or heavenly hash, I cant decide...maybe a scoop of each!
Goodnight, sleep soundly and love the people around you...